Monday, October 18, 2010

v40.3: Dried Up

Howdy folks,


Have you ever had that feeling where you know you're supposed to be doing something but you can't seem to muster the strength or motivation to get it done?  I'm sure we've all been there at one time or another, after all, most of us are human right?  Lately I've been suffering from this lack of motivation when it comes to writing and updating the site.  I can't really pinpoint the exact cause for the lack of motivation or desire to write but it is annoying the hell out of me.

I will admit that work has been quite busy lately and my thoughts seem to constantly drift toward my job.  I'm even finding myself looking in during the evenings or weekends just to check on things; how sad is that?  I do take my job very seriously and I do give my 110% when there but for some reason I feel that just isn't enough sometimes; like I could be doing more.

Perhaps my mind has been dwelling on the new baby and what life will be like with another child in our family.  It's not that having children is a foreign concept to me, but having 4 kids is not something I'm familiar with.  How much more difficult is having 4 versus having 3?  I guess I'll find out in a couple of months; Christmas is going to be interesting.

I've been trying to come up with interesting and challenging topics for the past few days and I fully intended to post over the weekend when I had some downtime at my father's house, but I just couldn't come up with anything.  So rather than wait for something to come to me, I decided to write about what was going on with me so you all didn't sit and wonder why the hell I haven't posted for awhile.  I've also been thinking on the NaNoWriMo coming up in a few weeks and I still haven't come up with a firm idea on what story I'm going to write.  I have a few ideas for stories, but I've done next to no character development or plot planning.  It should be quite interesting.

Anyway folks, I must take my leave and bid you farewell for now.  I'll be wracking my brain all day tomorrow trying to come up with something to write tomorrow night so hopefully there will be more meat and potatoes in tomorrow's Musing.  Mmmm... meat and potatoes....





  1. Okay, First off, it's okay to feel a lack of motivation sometimes. It happens to everyone.. because if you're mind is always going about one thing or another, it will shut down on you every now and again so you can restore more energy for what needs to come next! I use this example in another form where if you run run run and don't stop for days, you body will shut down as well, making you sick so you have to rest and recover, which is exactly what I am doing right now lol.. But secondly, these times when you're at home just surfing the net or something, when you really want to be writing, you should think about what you REALLY enjoy.. I know the fantasy world has a huge place in your heart :P So why not start there? What interests you the most about fantasy? The wizards? The orcs? Any number of places to start there! And I just happen to know that you are an extremely talented story-teller.. since you've convinced both myself and our mother that you were running down an endless hallway at your work when all of a sudden you were attacked by ogres or orcs or something of the sort! lol .. You just gotta find your MUSE! :P
    Just sayin'...

  2. It's funny you should write this. I was thinking on this exact same thing today while at work. I guess great minds think alike :)

  3. I'm with Megan on this one... your mind needed a break ... plain and simple, plus we all have times when we just don't feel up to doing certain things.I have no doubt that you'll find your "muse" and be back at it. I'll wait patiently until you do. :o)
    Love you
