Monday, July 12, 2010

v38.1: Warm Rain

Good morning folks,


As the title suggests, it is raining here today.  Normally I don't use Musings over Coffee to discuss the weather but I felt it was significant enough to talk about since I've rarely seen rain this heavy before.  In fact, I don't believe I've ever seen it rain this hard since Alberta.


Thankfully, unlike Alberta, the rain is heavy but it is warm.  I was drenched this morning leaving our building to get to my car and it was only 10 steps away.  Then as I was driving up to Tim Horton's the rain was blowing right in my window and got me soaked again.  I blasted the heater to try and dry off (of all the days to wear white pants) and thankfully was mostly dry before I arrived at the parking garage at work.  Unfortunately, I walked outside instead of taking the long way around to stay dry and got a little damp walking into the office.  Going from wet to dry several times in a morning can't be good for you.  In fact -cough- I think I'm starting to feel a little cold coming on.


Thankfully the rain held off (mostly) for us this weekend during our family BBQ.  We didn't have everyone in attendance but I believe the majority of the family showed up and we all had a great time.  The food was fantastic and I was even introduced to a yummy marinated moose burger.  I've had moose before in the form of a roast, but I've never had a moose meat marinated in a type of sweet and sour sauce served on a bun.  It has the consistency of a pulled pork sandwich and tasted excellent.  The secret to making the meat tender and delicious is cooking it in a crock-pot and letting it sit.  There were also sausages and burgers and 4 or 5 different types of salads.  Katie crafted one of her family famous cakes again which was designed to look like a BBQ grill with hamburgers, a hot-dog and a steak cooking on it.  It actually looked pretty good, her talent is definitely developing and I can see her really making some nice cakes in the future.  Not saying this cake wasn't nice, but she is still learning and still perfecting her technique which means her future cakes will be something to rival the "Cake Boss".  I'm not certain if I'm giving away a trade secret here, but the "coals" of the cake were made from dyed marshmallows with some sparkly red sprinkles to give it the illusion they were hot.  It really did look nice and it was funny to see nobody wanting to put a knife to it and be responsible for ruining the look.


Overall the weekend was well and despite a 5 hour visit to the hospital on Sunday (my oldest daughter may have child arthritis), it was a fairly relaxed weekend.  I didn't do a heck of a lot in the way of gaming but my son and I had a few hours to game together on Sunday and we created new characters in Dungeons & Dragons Online which was fun.  Alas, nothing lasts forever and here I am again back at work preparing for another week of fun and political games.


Well folks, the clock on the wall tells me there is no such thing as time travel and no matter how many times I click my heels together I won't just appear at home.  Some days I almost wish I was having a dream and would wake up in my bed as a child, having dreamed most of my life.  Wouldn't that be an interesting story. :)  Until next time.



1 comment:

  1. Keep me posted about Skyla. I think Sherry Brouwer had juvenile arthritis.
    I wish I could have seen the cake in person.. I don't think the picture is doing it justice.
    Love you
