Tuesday, April 27, 2010

v35.8: Yawn

Good morning folks,


Just wanted to fire off a quick musing today.  I haven't gotten a roll-up cup in almost a week so I think it is safe to say the contest is officially over.  I will be archiving my Roll-Up 2010 page into my Life section of the site so if you don't see it at the top of the site anymore, don't fret, it has only been archived and still available.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

v35.7: Common Decency

Good morning folks,


It has nearly been a week since I last posted and I really have no excuse other than I couldn't find the time.  Things have been very busy lately at work and at home and we have a lot going on right now we need to prepare for.  It isn't going to be fun.  I apologize for the lack of posts but as things settle down you should start seeing the post count climb steadily again.


Friday, April 16, 2010

v35.6: Friday WoW

Good morning folks,


What a week this has been.  I wish I could say it is over but I still need to make it through this day before I can finally say my work week is over.  I won't say it hasn't been stressful but it has definitely been busy.  Between things going on in the office and things going on in our personal life, I've barely had time to sit and relax or even play any games.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

v35.5: Statistically Speaking

Good morning folks,


In 1978 there was an airplane flying from London to Boston.  Approximately half way across the Atlantic the plane suddenly disappeared; no wreckage was ever found, not even small debris.  To this day nobody knows what exactly happened and despite numerous efforts to find the wreckage, not a single piece has ever been found.


Friday, April 9, 2010

v35.4: Sweet Tooth

Good morning folks,


First off, happy Friday.  We've finally made it through another week.  This week seemed a lot longer than usual, probably because last week was short due to the holiday.  I'm really looking forward to the weekend at this point, only a few more hours away!


Monday, April 5, 2010

v35.3: Happy Easter

Good morning folks,


First off, let me start by saying Happy Easter to everyone out there in .com land.  Easter is officially over, but since I didn't have much of an opportunity to say it this weekend, I'm saying it now.  I had family over all weekend long and there were some good times had by all.  In addition, I celebrated my 20th Birthday (again).


Thursday, April 1, 2010

v35.2: Happy April

Good morning folks,


Hard to believe April is finally here.  One of the most expensive months of the year for us as we have several birthdays and an anniversary this month.  I can't wait.
