Friday, March 5, 2010

v34.0: Friday Failure

Good morning folks,


I had a really hard time dragging myself out of bed this morning.  I think the only thing that kept me going was the thought of my Tim Horton's coffee.  I hope this one is a winner!


Well it is finally Friday and this has been a very interesting week for me.  I was in the office a total of two days all week and it still feels like I was here every single day.  Will there ever be any rest from the madness?  Monday was a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs.  The day started off ok, then the Dr's appointment sent us for a loop.  This was followed by my special "meeting" in the afternoon which was a ride up which was quickly followed by other things to bring me down again.  I typically like roller-coasters but when it is a roller-coaster of life, you tend to get very exhausted.  But life is like that isn't it?  People have ups and downs all the time.  Some have more downs than ups and others seem to be born with one of those smiles that never go away; always happy and cheerful.  I had a friend who was always happy and cheerful.  You could be down in the dumps and he would come along and always make you feel a little bit better.  He often referred to rain as "liquid sunshine"; that's right "liquid sunshine".  I tried to avoid him when I wasn't in the mood for cheer because he would always try too hard to make people feel good; sometimes to the point where it was so annoying it would have the opposite effect.


So why is my Friday a failure?  Well perhaps failure is the wrong word to use there.  I awoke late this morning and had to hurry out the door so I wouldn't be late for work.  I had to stop at the gas station and drop $50 in fuel to fill up my car and dodge black ice all the way to work.  I watched several drivers switch lanes without signaling and even had one asshat nearly sideswipe me because he just wasn't paying attention.  I believe he was even talking on his cell phone which is now illegal to do here without a hands-free kit.  I got to work a few minutes late which is no biggie since I put in my hours and often work more than I'm supposed to (last Friday I put in 13 hours).


Last night before logging off I checked my calendar for today.  I had no meeting scheduled so I was looking forward to a fairly quiet Friday to get caught up on some things.  I arrived to work this morning and my calendar had 3 meetings in it and I needed to schedule one more.  What a way to end the work week, in meetings most of the day.  But that is the way it goes in the manager world  I guess, we get to sit around in meetings and talk about things for hours and hardly ever resolve anything.  I find most meetings a complete waste of time that could easily be a simple email thread.  Why to managers have this need to block an hour of your time to talk?  It doesn't make a lot of sense and I think it is a waste of money.


I digress, of course, I could go on and on about how things "should" work but in practice I fall into the same hole.  The only difference is I get flack for not scheduling enough meetings when our team needs them; I hate meetings THAT much.


Well, that's the last of the coffee so I guess I better wrap this up.  Wish me luck!


SON OF A.... Please Play Again!  Oh well, maybe next time.  Today feels like a 2 coffee day so maybe I'll win the $10,000 this afternoon.  Until next time...




  1. and to make things worse, I'm making you get groceries after supper! :P

  2. humm...
