Tuesday, March 17, 2009

v22.1 - One Good Deed...

Howdy folks,


Vacation is going well.  Too well I'm afraid.  I never want to go back to work again!


Ok, now I'm back to the real world here.  Of course I will be returning to work; I need to work.  Even if I won the lottery and was an instant millionaire, I would still work; I need to work.


So I wanted to talk about good deeds today.  When was the last time you performed a good deed?  I'm not talking about those deeds you perform and expect something in return; I'm talking about a real good deed.  Today I decided to give my sister one of my old PCs; she just recently moved into her new place with her boyfriend and they had one PC between the two of them.  Funny how in this day in age we pretty much need a PC for every member of the household.  Of course not every household has that luxury but it seems to be the way of the future.  I suspect in a few years we'll start seeing computers that will service the entire home.  You will have light weight terminals setup in all the rooms in the house which will interface with a master server stored somewhere in the house.  Of course if that machine crashes, they all crash but the cost would be significantly less and all you would need in each room is a terminal, keyboard and mouse.


My sister is a computer junkie like most of my family.  She loves email, instant messaging and of course reading my musings!  My sister's boyfriend is turning into a WoW Addict (thanks to me) and since he is on the computer playing WoW for hours a day, my sister needed something to allow her to quickly check mail or even sit down and play WoW with him.  Of course I'm not going to sit here and say playing WoW for hours a day is healthy and proper, having a second PC in the house will make things like checking email or looking something up on the web easier for them.


Of course I'm giving this computer to them with no strings attached.  It has been sitting around the house collecting dust and to be honest, I could really do without all the PCs in the house right now.  In fact, she should be getting a good deed for taking it from me. :)


Also, I would like to apologize for not getting musings out this past weekend.  I've been busy with other things and being on vacation and not being home much has made it impossible to write anything with meaning every day.  Rather than throw out a quick one liner that says I don't have anything to say, I just leave it for a couple days when I have some time to write.


Anyway folks, I must run for now.  I've got a bunch of stuff to do and I've been spending an hour writing this and only have a few paragraphs down (too distracted).  I really need to find time in my mornings to write these things because it's quiet and there are no distractions around me.

Until next time.



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