Thursday, March 5, 2009

v21.1 - The Missing Musing?

Morning Folks,


I was looking at my recent posts this morning and found that I somehow missed a musing. I thought for sure I wrote something on Tuesday but for whatever reason I can't find it anywhere. Today's musing should be v21.3 but I felt it necessary to go back and rewrite v21.1 and submit it as today's musing.


It is funny how things can change so quickly in life. One day you're on top of the world. You're happy, you're excited and life seems almost perfect. Then the next day you're sad, you can't wait for the day to be over and life sucks. I find we rely on our emotions too much these days. Society has turned into a huge emotion machine and we all seem to be starving for that "fix" of good feelings. We watch a good movie and we get that good feeling at the end when the main character saves the day or gets the girl. We get that good feeling when we see an uplifting piece of news or hear about something nice. Everything we do seems to be based off our emotions.


There are some who can put aside their emotions. These are the people who put a smile on their face from day to day because they know the only way they're going to make it through their day is to make others around them happy. Let's face it, if you work with someone who always has a smile on their face you're more apt to have a good day. If you work with someone who's always grouchy and cranky, you'll have a horrible day. This is because our feelings not only affect the way we feel but it also affects others around us. Thankfully, a good feeling is much stronger than a negative feeling so when you're around someone who is happy and enjoying life and you're feeling a bit down in the dumps, you'll begin to have a better day.


So why am I talking about this? Mostly because I'm that person who is having a crummy day and I put a smile on my face to make other people's days better. I crack a joke or come up with something witty to put smiles on other people's faces so their happiness will affect me making my day a little better. I enjoy bringing joy to other people and if I can get one person to smile or laugh at something I've said or done, then I've done my job :)


I honestly feel that if everyone adopted this, we would all have a better day. Of course we can't all be happy all the time. Life sometimes isn't fair and there are things that happen in our lives we have no control over. Sadness, depression, stress and annoyance are parts of life and while happiness is a strong emotion, it sometimes isn't enough to bring someone out of a seriously depressed state.


So here is what I want you to do this week (only 2 more days left!). I want you to walk up to someone who seems to be sad or blue and I want you to look them in the eye, ask them how they're doing and put a big ol' grin on your face.


Anyway folks, time for me to go out and make someone happy today. I need a pick-me-up.



1 comment:

  1. If it's any consolation, brother dear, you make me laugh everytime we hang out!! :D You're just naturally hilarious and when you and Jeremy get tegether, it's bad news bears for everyone around! haha Hope you have a good day today! There is always something to smile about, you just have to be able to think of those reasons, instead of the bad/negative ones. Too many people focus all their attention on those ones, these days. Smile! The world still goes 'round and there's nowheres to go but up!
