Thursday, March 27, 2008

v16.2 - Friday for Me!

Morning Folks,


Well it's Friday...... for me :)  Suckers


I wanted to post quickly regarding my using yesterday and the issue I was facing at work.  I had a discussion with my manager regarding the "issue" and he basically explained to me that the reason there was need for a resume and all that other stuff is around my billing and has nothing to do with me moving to this new team.  Basically, I'm being billed at Level Y and they need to be able to bill me at Level Z which means my billing rating needs to change so they can do that.  So in order for that to change, they need to prove I've I've been in the industry for more than 8-10 years and I will be performing high level administration tasks.  Sounds like this is a fairly common problem when moving between teams and is typically transparent to the consultant.  The reason I'm hearing about this particular case is because the company I work for is going through some major changes and is revamping a lot of the processes.  Oh well.


Did I mention it is Friday? :)  Today is officially my last day of work for the week AND it is my last day on this team as their team lead.  I will admit, if it wasn't for a couple things, I would love to stay on as team lead for this team, but there is way too much legacy and history here that is nearly impossible to change.  I made a LOT of changes when the reigns were handed to me and I'm happy with the outcome even though I spent countless hours in break-out rooms and in phone meetings with managers getting it done.  Overall, the team is stronger than I've ever seen it and we're holding steady with 7 people!  Huge feat when you consider I've been here almost 3 years and the highest number of people I've seen on the team was 5 at any given time.


Yes, I feel I'm a good team lead, but I don't feel I want to be a team lead at this time in my life/career.  While my track record is proven, I just can't bring myself to do this full-time... yet :)


Well folks, just wanted to say that and clear up some confusion about yesterday.  So far, today has been busy (paged early this morning) but I have high hopes that the day is going to be good.  The weather is supposed to be sunny and +6 (approx 43 for my American friends) so things are looking up.


Until next time...



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