Wednesday, March 12, 2008

v14.8 - Games and Gaming

Morning folks,


It is Wednesday!  I have no work, the kids have no school and Katie is off.  What on earth are we going to do? :)


Personally, I would like to sit back and do some gaming today, maybe make a trip to WalMart to pick up a few things and drink coffee.  Of course, what will happen is I won't get much gaming done, I'll be dragged to WalMart and I'll get a coffee made for someone else again (bleh).


I awoke this morning with the feeling of "something is wrong".  I couldn't put my finger on it, but something just felt wrong to me.  I quickly sprang out of bed and checked on the kids who were snug and warm in their beds.  I came back into the bedroom and looked at the cable box and saw it was 2:06am.  The funny part is, I wasn't tired and there was a faint glimmer of light coming in through the window.  Yes, it was morning but for some reason my cable box was telling me it was the middle of the night.  What foul magic is this!


Well, once I was fully awake I quickly realized that my cable box somehow was "reset" while we were away and instead of displaying the time, it was displaying the channel.  The alarm clock next to my bed told the real story as it was exactly 10 minutes fast and showing 7:25am.  At that point I had forgotten all about the "wrong" feeling and made my way downstairs where I sat in front of the PC and played a couple games before heading to Tim's to get a coffee.


I'm really starting to enjoy this no work thing.  I wish I could do this all the time :)  I'm sure this weekend the reality of going back to work will sink in, but for now I don't want to think about it and want to enjoy the time off I've worked so hard to get.


With that, I bid you all farewell for now and we'll see you here again tomorrow.



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